Greetings and Salutations

23 October 2006

Do you ever have truly disturbing thoughts about people who are supposed to be your closest friends? Like, "Why are we friends?", or "Why am I the giver in this relationship?" Good, I'm not alone. I am frequently amused that the friends I talk to most frequently are the ones with whom I have the least in common, while my soul mate friends, well, I talk to them infrequently at best. Some I only text or email occassionally. It hurts sometimes, because I think you miss a lot in life when you can't connect with those who understand you best. And I get so exhausted listening to the problems of my friends who can't listen to my problems, because they just don't get it or just can't make themselves pay attention. I have this great band that I really want to see in a few weeks, but my "best" friend will be in town and while she knows how much I love this band, she just doesn't seem to want to go. My one friend who would undoubtedly like to go, doesn't live here, and she flakes on me sometimes, too. Don't get the impression that I need to dump these friends, they are often my lifeline, but damn!


Blogger rhetorissa said...

No, it isn't bad of you. Your writing is for you, not for anyone else. You might like others to read it sometimes, but it's perfectly ok to not have everyone read everything. I might not have friends if I did that! Miss you!

1:10 PM  

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