SO I WAKE UP early on this first morning of daylight savings time and decide to get out on my bike. After all, I have only 8 weeks until the MS150 and I need to train. This is the first time I've ridden over on the bayou near my house, and I am ready for the adventure. I head out, I get on the trail, and I find myself facing a detour due to Houston's never-ending construction. So I decide to go across a bridge instead of turning back. I do have the attitude, rather like a cowboy, that I'd rather not dismount from my ride - big mistake! The bridge is a metal grate, and I got my tire stuck in the groove, and you guessed it - I fell off! This is a picture of the beautiful bruise on my left hand. It's matched by a smaller one on my right hand, right hip, and right shin. I still can't figure out how I fell on my right side, but the biggest bruise is on my left hand! Luckily it's not the one people shake - I had a prospect with a ridiculously strong grip nearly bring me to tears today! I'm just glad it happened this weekend, because I went to the rodeo twice this week and watched the Horns beat Oklahoma State yesterday - lots of clapping involved! And I found out the hard way today that clapping hurts! Alas, just a small price to pay for such an otherwise pleasurable morning.